Using Our Past Success to Fuel Future Growth

The year is almost over, but we’re not finished yet! Team Kulia Business Solutions is focused on ending 2019 as strong as possible. We’ve already done some great things in the last 12 months, with our most impressive win being our recent expansion into Nashville. On the heels of that, we saw many of our team members move forward in their career journeys and step into management roles.

Our biggest goal for 2020 is to maintain this momentum. To do this as effectively as possible, we’re reflecting on the year gone by, building on our wins and learning from our missteps. Once we’re certain we’ve gleaned all the lessons we can from the past, we’ll be clarifying our other operating goals for the new year, and designing metrics and deadlines that will keep us on track.

One of the most valuable teaching points we’ve learned from the past year is to forget about perfect, and focus on progress. Perfection is often an illusion, while progress can be measured and improved upon until we’re as close to perfect as it’s possible to get.

Also, we realized just how important environment is to winning. Mind-set and willpower are important too, of course, but our culture of camaraderie and empowerment has played a vital role in the success of Kulia Business Solutions and everyone on our team.

It’s time to say goodbye to one year and hello to another, and we’re ready to make the most of what we learned in 2019 to exceed expectations in 2020. Like Kulia Business Solutions on Facebook to see where you might fit in with all the excitement.

Creating an impact through results that fuel change